What is usucaption or acquisitive prescription?

What is usucaption or acquisitive prescription?

Acquisitive prescription or usucaption is one of the ways of acquiring a right. It is characterized by the lapse of time that must be complied with for it to be filed by the appellant. If an individual has uninterrupted possession of real estate for 10 years, he may acquire such property. It should be noted that this period of time…

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IPREM increase in 2023

IPREM increase in 2023

In recent years, the debate on raising the IPREM (Indicador Público de Renta de Efectos Múltiples) has gained momentum in Spain. The IPREM is an index used to calculate the minimum insertion income, scholarships and student grants, subsidies and various social benefits. Since its creation in 2004, the IPREM has undergone several revisions and adjustments, but its level remained virtually…

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Criminal Code Offenses

Criminal Code Offenses

It is a crime as old as humanity itself, in fact, insults are already regulated in the Law of the XII Tables of the ancient Roman Empire. And since then, this subject of law has undergone modifications. Below we will see the legal treatment of slander according to the Penal Code in force in Spain. Insults according to the Spanish…

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Appealing a parking ticket Yes or no?

Appealing a parking ticket Yes or no?

We know that getting a parking ticket is a frustrating experience for anyone. However, before accepting the penalty and paying it, it is important to consider whether it is worth appealing the fine. The appeal process may seem complicated and tedious, but if you have a good reason for doing so, it can result in a dismissal of the fine…

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Who must pay for repairs in rental housing?

Who must pay for repairs in rental housing?

Determining who should pay for repairs in rental housing is probably one of the most common problems between tenants and landlords. If you are thinking of renting a property or have already done so, you may have wondered who is responsible for its repairs. The landlord or the tenant? What does the law say about it? What is considered a…

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Extinguishment of the condominium of the family home

Extinguishment of the condominium of the family home

Condominium extinguishment of a family home is a complex process that can have significant legal and financial implications for the owners involved. In the following, we will explore this process in detail, including the legal requirements and tax implications it may have. In Spain, the condominium of the family home is one of the most common forms of shared ownership.…

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Garnishment of minimum wage for alimony payments

Garnishment of minimum wage for alimony payments

The garnishment of the minimum wage for the payment of alimony is an issue of great relevance in the legal and social sphere. This mechanism is used in cases where an individual has a legal duty to pay such a pension, but does not comply with that obligation voluntarily. Let’s analyze what is minimum wage garnishment, the measures that the…

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